2018-2019 "Year in Review"
My favourite was Body Studies. Having to work with a live model proved to be a challenge because there is not just one perspective. There are many other factors like lighting and the person having to move a couple of times. What made it insightful was seeing the different angles and shading you had to look at. Being able to work with a live model helped me a lot at looking for the perspective.
My least favourite project was watercolour. I had so many difficulties with trying to have the right shades. I had a tendency to add too much water that some parts were bubbling. Watercolour will always be a difficulty for me.
I want to learn next year is how to be precise with my line. I want to be able to draw with a pen without making mistakes and having to do it again. I want to make my work clear with my intentions.
I would like to learn Early Renaissance as an art movement. At the beginning of the 15th century, Italy experienced a cultural rebirth, a renaissance that would massively affect all sectors of society. Early Renaissance artists began to create work intensified by knowledge of architecture, philosophy, theology, mathematics, science, and design. The innovations that emerged in art during this period would go on to cause reverberations, which continue to influence creative and cultural fields today.