Weighted Line: How Sweet

1. What is the main idea behind this artwork, in its final form?
The main idea behind the piece was I wanted to show more of the objects to stand out then the crazy background. The ideas I got for this piece was to show things about myself.
2. What are the important pieces of information concerning the comprehension of this artwork that may not be immediately visible to the viewer? What do you need the viewer to know?
When the viewer looks at my art piece they probably think the theme is Paris or romance. What I was going for were colours you don't regularly see on my body.
3. What was the initial idea behind this artwork?
I originally wanted to show items that people do not see me use regularly but then my violin is a part of the piece.
4. What were the 5 components of your planning/process and how were those involved in your creative process?
My components were; if everything can be seen, making sure everything is marked to know how it was placed, keep the same position so then you can try to keep the same consistency, start with thin lines so then you can go over it if you make a mistake, and start with pencil then trace with pen to make the job easier.
5. How did the idea/project evolve over the course of its completion? Describe your process of creation from initial idea to completion.
I originally wanted objects to show my personality but it was difficult to fit the idea in and to make sure it would stay still.
6. Did you achieve your goals in the completion of this artwork?
I was not able to get the correct perspective of every item, so no, I was not able to achieve my goal.
7. Consider what was done well and what could have been done differently. Make at least 3 quality comments or criticisms (by “quality”, I mean supported, descriptive) of your work.
I wished there was more colour because it feels a bit empty. Next time go easy on the lines and make sure everything looks the same because it is a mess. Have the coloured areas be a part of the lines to it flows better.
8. What did you learn from this artwork that you could apply to future projects?
Remember to always look at how the objects align themselves.
9. What do you believe your next step should be, following this artwork?
Go straight into the ink so then I can work on being certain with my lines.
10. What was most challenging about this project? How did you overcome this obstacle?
Having to make sure I am always in the same position and people leaving their items on it. I overcame that by looking at what I was working on last time to make sure it aligns with my artwork.