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The project I am most proud of would be my Independent Project. The Queen Anne home model. I had such a hard time with gluing and time. That project kept me up late at night. I have even burnt myself with the glue gun. But I am really proud of the results. The house looked great and I was satisfied with my work. I learned from this project that you cannot rush construction work. It takes time to build a home because art takes time.


The most challenging project would be my Woven Image. What I found to be the most difficult in the making of this artwork was the perspective. The original layout of the garden cottage had a wooden railing going down the little bridge. The perspective was all wrong and I had to remove it from the drawing. I learned that there is always a solution to a problem. You just have to find it.


My favourite project would be the Mandala. I loved making the patterns form and create my own galaxy within my art piece. My least favourite art piece would be the Anthropomorphic. I found that it was not my best work I have done and there could have been more improvements.


The type of project I would want to study for next year is point of perspective drawings. Especially going beyond 2 point perspective artworks. A skill I have learned that will help me in my daily life is don't think too much about the details.


About 2017-2018

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